Android Design Challenge 2.0

After a successful Android UI/UX (Re)Design Challenge last year in June, I have been occasionally received inquiries on the second one, as well as some industrial feedback on such design challenge. This is one of the feedback I got:

I ended up hiring one of the finalists in last years competition.  I hired him to do a bit of freelance work on an app I’m building – so it would be good to give similar encouragement to upcoming designers.

Frankly, I didn’t expect that. The aim to make such design challenge is always meant to create awareness towards the importance of Android Design, and it seems to go beyond that – it’s totally awesome! This is why I decided to make the second one, namely Android UI/UX (Re)Design Challenge 2.0.

But first, I have to apologize to all the participants last year for the undelivered Android UI Design Kit Logo stickers – there has been some issues with the sticker quality and hence I decided not to ship any of them. I will look into options this year to make good quality sticker (any suggestions?) and I will send them out again.

Really simple rules

  1. Anyone can participate!
  2. Design a brand new app or redesign any existing app by 18th April 2014
  3. The (re)design should use Android Design Guideline as a reference. Only use appropriate UI patterns and building blocks for your design.
  4. At least 5 screens are required (in order to tell the app flow/structure). Please provide comparison/explanation/justification for each screen. A good example of the design entryDon’t let us guess! I repeat, don’t let us guess! 
  5. App icon can be redesigned to match with the new UI (re)design.
  6. Optional: You can design for the Android Wear version if it meet these design principles. If it’s not, don’t do it!
  7. Optional: Making animated UI design (in animated gif or video) is encouraged, but it will not have huge advantage in the judging system.
  8. Optional: Feel free to post your design to any Google+ Android Design Community (including Android Designers) to get feedback and further improve your app (re)design before your final entry. It’s always encouraging to see such design iterations which involved communities.
  9. Post your design entry in Google+ publicly, and remember to use these hashtags:

#androiduiux #androiddesign #ADiA


  1. Submission of the final entry must be sent to the email address androiduiux [at] gmail [dot] com (so I know which is the final entry if you have multiple revisions)
  2. The title of the email should be Entry for Android UI/UX (Re)Design Challenge 2.0
  3. Send me the link to the final entry in a public Google+ post (or any link that can be viewed publicly)
  4. I will then send you the confirmation email to acknowledge your design entry

Design Tools

  1. Feel free to use any design tools that you are comfortable with, as long as the final result are high-fidelity mock up screens.
  2. If you are looking for some design resources to start, check out the Free Design Resources page

Winner announcement

  1. Five best entries will be announced via my Google+ account and after the deadline. They will be also informed via email.
  2. All entries will be judged by awesome android designers in order to pick the winners.


The 5 best entries will walk away with:

  1. Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto T-shirt. This is a new T-shirt campaign that I just launched for Android fans. If the Teespring campaign is not successful, I will print these T-shirt myself and ship them accordingly.
  2. 10 USD Google Play Store Gift Cards. You can request to make it a Paypal transfer if the Google Play Store Gift Card in USD is not usable due to the difference in region/currency.
  3. I reserved the right in prize management based on the quality of the entries.


I would like to thank these people for their awesome support:

That’s all! If you are interested, start (re)designing and submit your awesome design entry by 18th April 2014!

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